Top 3 Details to Consider When Planning Your Wedding
Let’s take a moment and step back from the planning and the appointments and just envision your wedding and the overall environment for a moment. What does it feel like? What are your guests doing, talking about, dressed like? It is important to visualize the overall vibe you want for your wedding in advance so you can create the right atmosphere as your guests step into your wedding reception.
I hear it all the time, brides wishing they would have done this or should have had that at their wedding or reception. I want to spare you that regret so here is my short list of three very important details you might not have thought about until now, but will make all the difference in the end.
1. Chairs and Chair Covers
With all of the big decisions you need to make, this may not seem like an important detail, or even something worth caring about. “Chairs; who cares?” But, I am here to tell you, this is a detail that can make a significant difference. As an extension of the tables, chairs provide a level of detail that truly rounds out the effort put forth on the table itself. Additionally, as each guest is seated, he or she will feel more connected to the theme as they become a part of that environment you want to set. Pictures speak a thousand words, so look at the pictures below. As you can see, weddings with Chiavari chairs or chair covers will always do a better job of reflecting the personality of the bride and groom and will definitely steal the show. Let your wedding reception and ceremony shine with the overall spectacular feel of elegance and design. Chairs; it’s a feature you’ll be glad you thought of.
2. Linens
In my countdown, linens come in as the second most important item you might not have thought about. Just like chairs, linens play an essential role in the overall design of your wedding. Let’s face it, most tables are simple and not really pleasing to the eye and most venues will require you to cover your tables with some sort of linen. Don’t be hasty in your decision here. This is your opportunity to really transform your space and bring your venue to life. Look at all aspects of the fabric, not only will the color play a pivotal role in the space, but the texture and design of the fabric could bring a sense of reality to your theme. In the photos below, you will see pictures of tables with simple polyester linen and some with more vibrant and textured cloth that transform the space. Let your imagination soar as you go through linen swatches. Play with the textures, colors, and designs. See which ones will make your wedding most memorable for you and your guests.
3. Cocktail Hour
Having a cocktail hour is the perfect opportunity for you to set the stage for the entire reception. A cocktail hour will allow your guest to circulate freely and talk to friends and family before they are relegated to their table. Giving this short unstructured time to your guests is not only thoughtful but crucial to setting the ambiance. Whether your cocktail hour is a formal affair or casual and filled with upbeat music, the cocktail hour is what will set the stage for how your guests will feel, act, and take part in your wedding. You’ve put a lot of effort into the wedding; don’t miss this opportunity to set be sure things go as you’ve envisioned.
So there you have it, my list of the top 3 details you might not have thought of, but are very important to creating your dream wedding. Put some thought into these and you can be spared any thoughts of “I should have…” or “I wish…” Rather, you will be content knowing your attention to detail helped you make your wedding perfect for you, your newly wedded husband, and your guests. As always if you have any questions or comments talk to me in the box below or follow me on Facebook.